Thursday, October 13, 2011

Talk Now Talk Often - Medicine Abuse Chat

The Drug-Free Coalition thinks it is vitally important for parents to talk with their kids about alcohol and drug use and abuse but we also recognize that it can be a tough topic to bring up and that many of our parents just flat out don't want to do it.  
During National Medicine Abuse Awareness month we want to encourage you even more to talk with your kids about medicines that they may hear of others using or have even considered trying themselves. Take time this month to educate yourself on the drugs teens today are experimenting with and their reasoning for doing so. Steve Pasierb, CEO of The Partnership at, puts it well, 
“What we say to parents is to have an age-sensitive conversation, not a big drug talk. The net of the conversation is, I’m worried about this....’ That’s incredibly powerful, but it’s not a lecture, it’s not a threat.”
Recently Be Smart Be Well posted a video interview with Steve and it inspired us to write and encourage you as parents to start small. We encourage you to watch this 4 minute video and be inspired to let the young people in your life know you are worried about the drugs that may be around them.

Q&A with Steve Pasierb from on Vimeo.

Visit our website here for resources on what drugs your students may be hearing about or encountering. 

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